COMPATIBILITY%A500 wb 1.3.2 : YES (But not tested.)
A600 wb 2.05 : YES
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[3mThe Victim...
[23m& This is the most accomplished of&the three Hugh Grove animations&reviewed in this issue though there's&little between them. They're all very&well done. Here in Road Hog we have a&rather nasty motorist who gets his&pleasure from trying to run over&innocent little creatures with the"
[3mThe Weapon...
[23m&help of his "ACME ANIMAL ANNIHILATOR".&This is a radar gadget complete with a&points per animal counter. (I have a&horrible feeling that this would sell if placed on the market - sick.)& So, shades of both A Clockwork&Orange, (well I remember a line from&the book about running over little&animals), and that marvellous Roger&Corman movie, whose title escapes me&for the moment, about running down&people for points. Death Race 2000 perhaps? It was a long time ago.& The three characters in this little&story are all perfectly defined. The&victim is innocent in the extreme, the#
[3mThe Villain...
[3mand The Hero!
[23m&villain is gleefully evil and our&hero, who is just your everyday%hedgehog, uses his brains, not brawn.& The animation in Road Hog is as&well done as the story with the three&stars of the show all exceptionally&well drawn. If you like anims and&you've got 1
or more megs then you&must put this in your collection. It's